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May. 14, 2007

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Kuenssberg quizzes parties on social care funding, council tax and 'missing' HS2 money: Lib Dem leader Sir Ed Davey, shadow health secretary Wes Streeting, Transport Secretary Mark Harper and Plaid leader Rhun ap Iorwerth joined the show.
Israel announces daily military pause on Gaza road to let in aid: The pause will last for several hours every day along a main route from the Kerem Shalom crossing.
Major summit set to back Ukraine's territorial integrity: More than 90 countries and global institutions hope to reach agreement on nuclear security and food exports.
'It's time for Southgate and England to deliver': It is time for England and manager Gareth Southgate to deliver when their Euro 2024 campaign begins on Sunday, writes Phil McNulty.

City of Calgary declares local state of emergency over catastrophic water main break: A pipe is pictured from an aerial view.

Wildfire less than 1 kilometre from Fort Good Hope, N.W.T., as evacuation flights continue: smoke seen from fort good hope road

Fort Good Hope, N.W.T., is under evacuation order as a wildfire threatens the community of just over 500 people. Flights are carrying people to Norman Wells.

Want more low-cost flight options in Canada? Flair's retiring CEO says the rules need to change: Outgoing Flair CEO Stephen Jones

Budget airlines have a hard time staying in business in Canada, an issue the Competition Bureau is looking into. As the CEO of the country’s remaining ultra-low-cost domestic airline prepares to retire, Stephen Jones talks about what he thinks needs to change.

New York Times Science
Why a 3-Legged Lion and His Brother Swam Across a Crocodile-Filled River: Researchers say the nearly mile-long swim was the longest by big cats ever recorded.

Mars Got Cooked by a Recent Solar Storm: Days after light shows filled Earth’s skies with wonder, the red planet was hit by another powerful outburst of the sun.

Ancient Maya Genomes Sequenced for First Time: Thousand-year-old DNA from Chichén Itzá offers eye-opening details of the religious rituals of ancient Maya.

Voyager 1, After Major Malfunction, Is Back From the Brink, NASA Says: The farthest man-made object in space had been feared lost forever after a computer problem in November effectively rendered the 46-year-old probe useless.

A Big Whack That Made the Moon May Have Also Created Continents That Move: Computer simulations suggest that a collision with another planetary object early in Earth’s history may have provided the heat to set off plate tectonics.

Visualizing Science

The oldest known human art is also the oldest known human attempt to record Nature.  This painting is 34,000 years old and was found in the Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave, which is the subject of Werner Herzog’s film: Cave of Forgotten Dreams. Herzog used a 3D camera to capture how the shapes of the walls were incorporated into the paintings.

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